# Vuepress-plugin-editable

# Why vuepress-plugin-editable

Based on vuepress + markdown ecosystem simplifies the intermediate process and can be quickly applied to the article creation and revision process. 2024年12月3日18:24:43

You don't even need to open vscode, you just find a mistake while reading the documentation and correct it as you go.

I am a fork user, and I will be pull request to veaba/vuepress-plugin-editable 1

# Install

  1. install dep
npm install -D vuepress-plugin-editable
# OR yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-editable
  1. .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  // * Must be.
  plugins: [["vuepress-plugin-editable"]],
  // * Must be. repo name
  themeConfig: {
    repo: "veaba/vue-docs",
  // ...

# Usage

  1. Double-click on the vuepress generated content.

  2. OAuth github account and PR to repo's source file.

# Examples

# Plain text mode

I am a lonely line of text (double click me).

# Complex text mode

I am a complex text with many brothers and sisters, my website is editable.veaba.me (opens new window) (double click me).